– My students got so focused when we started the Jumble kahoot, taking time to read everything before putting the answers in order. Christel was impressed about the focus Jumble created in her class. Increased focus levelsĪs an educational game, Jumble is made to increase focus and thinking on an even higher level than the original kahoot quiz mode.
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None of the students needed instructions, as they very quickly figured out how to play the game.
They quickly realised that the second kahoot was different, but identified how to play Jumble right away. Then we started a Jumble kahoot about French numbers, without saying anything to the students about the new game mode. – The first time I played Jumble in class, my Y7 students started playing one kahoot quiz as usual. Within the last two years, I have been in touch with the lovely Stephanie and other Kahoot! Staff, and in October they introduced me to Jumble for the first time.Īfter trying it, Christel couldn’t wait to start using Jumble in class, and in December she could finally introduce the game to her students. – It’s been two years since I discovered Kahoot!, and I am proud to say that I have now created more than a hundred quizzes and surveys. One of them, Christel Grandemange, has used Kahoot! for several years and was introduced to Jumble in a test project in October. When we released Jumble in mid-December of 2016, we hoped it would be well received among our classroom heroes.
Read more about puzzle and watch a tutorial to learn to use it. Update October 2019: Jumble has been renamed to puzzle, and now it’s a question type you can combine with other questions in one kahoot.